May Mission Month at Baulkham Hills


Baptist Mission Australia’s May Mission Month is an opportunity for Australian Baptist churches to dedicate focused time to learning about and partnering with God’s mission.

The theme this year was Alongsiders.

No matter where we are, we can journey alongside our neighbours and friends. Being an alongsider means listening, showing hospitality, bringing peace and humbly sharing the good news of Jesus. It means praying and seeking the Spirit’s leading. It means loving the people God has put in your world, as well as loving the world.

Churches across the movement got involved in May Mission Month this year, raising funds and awareness for God’s mission around the world. Baulkham Hills Baptist Church was one such church, who raised $12,000 for Mission over the month.

For many years Baulkham Hills has displayed a large banner at the front of the church each May featuring the project they are raising money for. This banner is built up as the money comes in. This year they were supporting the Education Foundation in South East Asia.  When the church heard of all the wonderful things the Foundation is doing, they were motivated to contribute generously.

Even the youth group got involved in the fundraising, helping the youth see that they have power to make a difference in the world around them. J-walk meets fortnightly and has up to 15 kids from year 6 to year 11. The youth enjoy cooking and baking and held a couple of ‘Bake Sales’ last year to help contribute towards various fundraising appeals.

To get involved in May Mission Month, J-walk planned to hold a bake sale on the last Sunday in May. With the help of their leaders, the kids made various treats on Friday evening at J-walk. Some extra treats were also made by some kids at home. These were then sold after church during morning tea, with some of the kids running the stall.

It was just a small bake sale, but it was very generously supported by church attendees that morning and the youth raised $302 for the May Mission Month appeal!

“Our church is always very supportive of our youth and generous when they hold bake sales,” says Judy, leader of the Church’s Mission Committee.

To find out more about May Mission Month, and how to get involved next year, visit


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