Our Five Core Values


I06-P10-750x420-Core5During the ‘Directions 2012’ implementation the Association of Baptist Churches in NSW and ACT adopted a new constitution. As part of that document a set of core values were adopted that articulate who we are as a movement. The importance of these 5 core values was recently communicated at the mid year assembly and is now driving the development of resources to assist churches adopt these values into their vision.
Click here for Audio message on the Core 5.

What are core values?

Core values are the values we see as most important to our life, ministry and association with others. They transcend style, theological differences and heritage.
Core values are what identifies and unites us as an association. They drive what, why and how we do what we do. Core values guide us as individuals, churches and as a denomination.
Our values articulate who we are and who we desire to be whilst keeping us accountable to each other and to God.
Our desire is that all churches look at their vision through the lens of these core values and allow these values to guide decisions moving forward.

Why core values?

Core values are the building blocks on which we build our lives, our relationships and our actions.
Every person has core values that define who they are and without realising it, control who they become.
The values in our new constitution will be central in the decision making process and the practical outworking of relationships within the denomination moving forward.
Core values give us an aspirational goal and a voice that helps us define our vision. They are not nice sentiments, rather they are declarations of what we value most and the reflection of how we serve Jesus.

How can you use these core values to impact your ministry?

1. Investigate Over the coming months the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT will be giving you the chance to better understand what our (your) core values are. Take the time to seek to understand what the core values are and why they are core values. Begin to dream how they would look in your local church.
It is often easy to let the leadership or pastor look at this, however these values are available for everyone so take the opportunity to find out more for yourself.
2. Communicate Communicate these values to people in leadership within your church and to people in the church. Over the coming months a range of resources will be developed to assist you in communicating what the values are and why they are important. Communication is an ongoing process of emphasising why you do what you do and how you can live these values out in your local church context.
3. Evaluate Take the time to evaluate how you are expressing these core values in your local church context. You will more than likely be strong in some aspects and not so strong in other areas. Evaluate where you are so you can then grow in the weaker areas and flourish in your strengths.
4. Incorporate Every Baptist church has a mission, vision, dream or a heart for local ministry. Every church has a different story and is uniquely placed to impact the local community in its own way. The core values give you a framework for which to realise your vision without neglecting what is most important to you. The expression of these values will vary from church to church and even congregation to congregation. These values are not here to dictate your vision, rather to give it freedom within aspirational boundaries.
5. Implement Never allow your dream or your vision to sit on the shelf. Dare to believe that God has you where you are for ‘such a time as this’. Step out in faith trusting that your dream can become reality – Together, in a church, in a denomination and with God we can!


a. Enjoying a dynamic relationship with Jesus
b. Relying on the Bible as foundational to shaping our understanding of Christ, our faith and the world
c. Being led and empowered by the Spirit of Christ to live a life of worship believing God is able to do more than we ask or imagine


a. Committed to the announcement and demonstration of the universal reign of God through Christ
b. Motivated by love for God and others
c. Seeing people, communities and societies transformed
d. Biasing our resources toward mission, both locally and globally.


a. Serving each other and working together, honouring the varied expressions of our faith and practice and our cultural diversity
b. Actively promoting healthy unity through mutual collaboration, transparency and accountability
c. Prioritising authentic relationships over programs and structures
d. Honouring marriage as an institution created by God as the foundation for a lifelong faithful union of a man and a woman.


a. Nurturing a disciple making culture that encourages, shapes and releases every person to glorify God in all of their life
b. Investing strategically in the identification, development and empowerment of leaders
c. Respecting our heritage whilst championing further innovation.


a. Recognising and celebrating God at work both within and beyond our movement
b. Partnering with like-minded bodies in the mission of God both locally and globally
c. Evidenced by mutual respect, healthy dialogue, and where appropriate resource sharing and the development of common goals.


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