Mobilising Healthy Churches Across the Movement


In May 2023 at The Gathering Incorporating the Annual Assembly, the movement accepted to the 2023-25 Strategic Plan. The Plan can be summarised in our three priority areas: Developing Leaders, Mobilising Healthy Churches, and Partner in Ministry.

The second of these priority areas is Mobilising Healthy Churches which incorporates Priorities 2-5:
2. Increase the rate of multiplication of new congregations
3. Support churches to navigate significant crises and move towards greater health and impact
4. Advance engagement in holistic mission for, with and from all peoples, and across all generations

GEN1K HEALTH – We see a movement of transforming, healthy communities
Embracing faith and risk in a life of authentic discipleship.
Transforming lives in the power of Christ.
A culture of disciple making being normal and expected.
Diverse in expression and ministry yet united in purpose, values and foundational beliefs.

GEN1K MISSION – We see an extraordinary mission shaped movement of God across our churches and affiliated groups
Proclaiming and demonstrating Christ’s love in holistic, culturally appropriate global engagement.
Growing faster than population growth to a movement of 1000 healthy churches in a generation.
Support and involvement in church planting and pioneering work being normal.
Mutual support and partnership between our churches, the Association of Churches and its affiliated groups.

Check out the video for a look at what Mobilising Healthy Churches looks like on the ground!


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