Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT is excited to share our sponsorship and support of an upcoming documentary film being produced by the Australian TV & Media Group: ETERNITY. “ETERNITY” is the eight-letter word that has been an ongoing phenomenon in the city of Sydney. In the year 2000 alone, it was revealed in copperplate font in a fireworks display at the Harbour City’s New Year’s Eve celebrations, then later at the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games.
Produced and directed by Richard Attieh (multi-award winning documentary producer, and member of our Baptist church in Kellyville – NewHope Baptist in Sydney’s northwest), ‘ETERNITY’ will invite comments from the organisers of these events, the Lord Mayor at the time, the fireworks designers, and those who continue to recognise ETERNITY as part of Sydney’s story today (including local business people, artists, musicians, poets, designers, historians and writers).

It will also go back in time to look at where this all began – with Arthur Stace (otherwise known as ‘Mr Eternity’) who first chalked the word in 1932. Upon hearing a sermon by Baptist preacher John Ridley, where Ridley wished that he could spread the word ‘Eternity’ to the streets of Sydney, Stace whipped out his stick of chalk. He went on to write this ‘one word sermon’ in the streets of Sydney for 35 years.

The film producers are speaking with the ABC and Stan for possible broadcast of the documentary, and Richard Attieh wanted a church voice included. Steve Bartlett, our very own Director of Ministries, has been interviewed and will feature in the film. We’ve also been asked to assist with preparing resources for churches to engage in this doco with their communities as a pre-evangelistic tool. Steve says: “As Baptists, Arthur’s story is an important part of our history – and we don’t often reflect on that. The sermon that prompted his journey was heard at the Burton St Baptist tabernacle, where he and his family attended. More, Elizabeth Meyers, a member of Gymea Baptist Church and daughter of Rev Lisle Thompson who pastored Burton St Baptist and ‘discovered’ Arthur as Mr Eternity, is co-author of ‘Mr Eternity: The Story of Arthur Stace’. I’m really pleased that this story is being told, and that we can be part of it!”
The word ETERNITY communicates that there is a reality beyond the immediacy of our everyday lives. We pray that this documentary would help awaken people to eternity with our creator! Keep up to date on Facebook.
– Have you seen the word ETERNITY on the streets of Sydney? –