In May 2023 at The Gathering Incorporating the Annual Assembly, the movement accepted to the 2023-25 Strategic Plan. The Plan can be summarised in our three priority areas: Developing Leaders, Mobilising Healthy Churches, and Partner in Ministry.
The third of these priority areas is Partnering in Ministry which incorporates Priorities 5-7:
5. Expand the capacity of our regional ministries to contextually advance the Gen1K goal in local networks
6. Enhance our strategic support services and resources towards the Gen1K goal
7. Work towards greater unity and partnership across our movement
GEN1K JUSTICE – We see a movement impacting our society, culture and world
Cultivating significant positive societal change.
Asserting a prophetic voice, bringing Kingdom values into the public square.
Advocating for and aiding the vulnerable, voiceless and oppressed.
Check out the video for a look at what Partnering in Ministry looks like on the ground!