BaptistCare celebrates 80-year legacy of love


This October, BaptistCare hit the impressive milestone of 80 years of care.

The BaptistCare story began with hope. It was the 1940s, in post-war Australia and a group of Baptists began responding to social change under the Baptist Homes Trust. Early visionaries from local churches across NSW and the ACT recognised the value inherent in every person and set about building homes where God’s people could flourish.

”All those years ago, a group of Baptists saw a need…they jumped in, they filled that gap, with faith, drive and purpose,” said Charles Moore, BaptistCare CEO.

And so on 20 July 1951, RE Walker, president of the Baptist Homes Trust, laid the foundation stone for the Yallambi Elderly Ladies’ Home in Carlingford. Just two years later the Baptist Homes Trust officially opened its first aged care home. Over 2,500 people attended the official opening, including the Governor-General, with people spilling out the front entrance and into the street. Traffic on Pennant Hills Rd was brought to a standstill and police were called to direct traffic!

Yallambi was just the first in a long line of buildings and services developed, acquired, and designed to build community, give a voice to the voiceless and care for those experiencing disadvantage.

Since its inception, BaptistCare is proud to have cared for people of all ages, backgrounds and communities – youth, seniors, women, children, those experiencing domestic violence, people rebuilding their lives after disadvantage or trauma, and people looking to be a part of a thriving and vibrant community.

No matter the service or the program, BaptistCare remains committed to the vision of its founders – Transforming lives by expressing the love of Christ.

This significant anniversary provides an opportunity to thank and honour the people who helped shape the organisation into what it is today. Many dedicated Baptists and churches have faithfully served, volunteered, raised finances, and prayed to bring the original vision for the organisation to life.

BaptistCare thanks you for your ongoing support. Thank you to the visionary men, women and churches who responded to God’s call to care for those in need.

Today, 80 years on, BaptistCare walks alongside more than 19,000 people, supporting them to live well across more than 100 locations in NSW, ACT and WA. This is only possible because of a people fuelled by faith and a God with big plans for His people.

“ ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty and give you food and something to drink? When did we see you with no place to stay and invite you in? When did we see you poorly clothed and cover you? When did we see you sick and tenderly care for you, or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least of these, my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’” Matt 25:37-50 TPT

For more of BaptistCare’s history, please visit


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