Revive 2017 – The Challenge to SEE


REVIVE 2017 saw the launch of a three year theme focused on our mission to SEE, DECLARE and GO. We kicked off this year with a bunch of great main platform and workshop challenges, to SEE the harvest God has placed before us, both as individuals and as a movement of Churches across NSW & ACT.
REVIVE continues to be a unique event, structured to represent and encourage our belief in the priesthood of all believers. As a gathering this is reflected through a significant amount of time allocated to workshops where people are engaged in conversations that can facilitate mutual sharing and learning about ministry and mission, both locally and globally.
The networking and catching up in the expo space was a highlight again in 2017, with those attending using the opportunity to engage with the various agencies as well as friends and colleagues in ministry.
We were blessed in worship together and were able to act on this through giving to a Global Interaction project in South East Asia. Over $9000 was given, which was generously matched by Baptist Financial Services, making our total gift more than $18,000.
The other special undertaking this year was the 25 Days of Prayer leading up to REVIVE. This highlighted an important part of who we are as a movement, reliant always on God for His leading, direction and provision. The daily prayer reminders provided great insight into what is happening, often behind the scenes, in various parts of our Association and all who serve as part of it.
I believe our prayers were particularly answered through what God did on the Friday Youth night, and then on follow-up youth events in the subsequent weeks. At the youth night I attended, there were large numbers of young people who responded to the message with either a first time commitment to Christ, or a recommitment in some aspect of their faith. This is very exciting to see, and a fantastic chance for REVIVE to provide the opportunity for our young people to come together to hear the gospel and be strengthened in their faith.
Finally, we want to extend a special thank you to the many volunteers, contributors, and the planning team who I know put a lot of thought and prayer into making Revive gathering happen each year.
We look forward to Revive 2018 as we gather to consider what it means to DECLARE in word, sign and deed. It is our prayer that God will continue to revive us personally and collectively as we serve and minister in the multitude of ways God has graciously made available to us.


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